

作者:佚名 来源:生物谷 日期:2015-07-27

         来自约翰霍普金斯医学院的教授Bert Vogelstein表示,粪便和尿液可以帮助检测结直肠癌和膀胱癌,但血液检测至少从概念上来讲可以检测所有癌症,目前我们面临的挑战是检测微量的癌细胞DNA。尽管如此,利用简单血液检测来诊断癌症并且指导疗法的可能性依然会让很多制药公司大发灵感来寻找新型的肿瘤血液检测技术。


  利用常规的血液样本就可以对肿瘤DNA进行检测,比如刊登在国际杂志JAMA Oncology上的一篇研究论文中,研究者们就对4000多名孕妇机体的血液样本进行了检测,用来鉴别胎儿染色体的异常情况,随后研究者发现了三例母源性的癌症,即卵巢癌、滤泡型淋巴瘤以及霍杰金淋巴瘤,在大多数肿瘤中,尽管其恶性程度较低,但研究者仍然可以利用个体的血液来作为研究肿瘤生物学的替代品。


  来自约翰霍普金斯医学院的教授Bert Vogelstein表示,粪便和尿液可以帮助检测结直肠癌和膀胱癌,但血液检测至少从概念上来讲可以检测所有癌症,目前我们面临的挑战是检测微量的癌细胞DNA。


  去年刊登在国际杂志Science Translational Medicine上的一篇研究论文中,研究者对640名病人进行了研究,发现对血浆中循环的肿瘤DNA进行检测可以帮助确定大约40%至70%的各类癌症,包括脑癌、前列腺癌和卵巢癌等。比如在恶性的结直肠癌中,循环的肿瘤DNA常被用于确定87%的患者机体KRAS基因的特殊突变。

  完整的癌细胞通常会溜入血流中,“诱捕”这些循环肿瘤细胞(CTCs)的早期尝试依赖于表面抗原和其它标志物的识别,但CTCs会依赖于肿瘤的类型、疾病阶段及其它因子来穿上不同的分子外衣;今年年初,哈佛医学院的研究者Mehmet Toner在国际杂志Nature Methods刊文表示,微流体设备可以利用物理学的方法来诱捕CTCs,而该方法并不依赖于肿瘤特异性的标志物,Toner告诉The Scientist说道,完整无损的细胞具有巨大的研究价值,你可以仔细观察DNA、RNA、信号分子、磷酸化模式以及表观遗传学,这些相比单一的生物标志物要更为丰富,从长期角度而言,我们应当培养细胞来检测药物的敏感性,从而转移到进行个体化医学的开发。



  目前很多基础生物学都是不清楚的,研究者Tim Forshew教授说道,我们仍然并不能完全知道循环肿瘤DNA进入到血液中的机制,以及为何其会因不同的癌症而异,我们也并不能完全理解使得循环的肿瘤DNA可以在血液中被快速消除。尽管如此,利用简单血液检测来诊断癌症并且指导疗法的可能性依然会让很多制药公司大发灵感来寻找新型的肿瘤血液检测技术。










  Presymptomatic Identification of Cancers in Pregnant Women During Noninvasive Prenatal Testing

  Frédéric Amant, MD, PhD1; Magali Verheecke, MD1; Iwona Wlodarska, PhD2; Luc Dehaspe, PhD2; Paul Brady, PhD2; Nathalie Brison, PhD2; Kris Van Den Bogaert, PhD2; Daan Dierickx, MD, PhD3; Vincent Vandecaveye, MD, PhD4; Thomas Tousseyn, MD, PhD5; Philippe Moerman, MD, PhD5; Adriaan Vanderstichele, MD2; Ignace Vergote, MD, PhD2; Patrick Neven, MD, PhD2; Patrick Berteloot, MD6; Katrien Putseys, MD7; Lode Danneels, MD8; Peter Vandenberghe, MD, PhD2,3; Eric Legius, MD, PhD2; Joris Robert Vermeesch, PhD2

  Importance Noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT) for fetal aneuploidy by scanning cell-free fetal DNA in maternal plasma is rapidly becoming a major prenatal genetic test. Similar to placental DNA, tumor DNA can be detected in the plasma, and analysis of cell-free tumor DNA can be used to characterize and monitor cancers. We show that plasma DNA profiling allows for presymptomatic detection of tumors in pregnant women undergoing routine NIPT. Observations During NIPT in over 4000 prospective pregnancies by parallel sequencing of maternal plasma cell-free DNA, 3 aberrant genome representation (GR) profiles were observed that could not be attributed to the maternal or fetal genomic constitution. A maternal cancer was suspected, and those 3 patients were referred for whole-body diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging, which uncovered an ovarian carcinoma, a follicular lymphoma, and a Hodgkin lymphoma, each confirmed by subsequent pathologic and genetic investigations. The copy number variations in the subsequent tumor biopsies were concordant with the NIPT plasma GR profiles. Conclusions and Relevance We show that maternal plasma cell-free DNA sequencing for noninvasive prenatal testing also may enable accurate presymptomatic detection of maternal tumors and treatment during pregnancy.




  Detection of circulating tumor DNA in early- and late-stage human malignancies.

  Bettegowda C1, Sausen M, Leary RJ, Kinde I, Wang Y, Agrawal N, Bartlett BR, Wang H, Luber B, Alani RM, Antonarakis ES, Azad NS, Bardelli A, Brem H, Cameron JL, Lee CC, Fecher LA, Gallia GL, Gibbs P, Le D, Giuntoli RL, Goggins M, Hogarty MD, Holdhoff M, Hong SM, Jiao Y, Juhl HH, Kim JJ, Siravegna G, Laheru DA, Lauricella C, Lim M, Lipson EJ, Marie SK, Netto GJ, Oliner KS, Olivi A, Olsson L, Riggins GJ, Sartore-Bianchi A, Schmidt K, Shih lM, Oba-Shinjo SM, Siena S, Theodorescu D, Tie J, Harkins TT, Veronese S, Wang TL, Weingart JD, Wolfgang CL, Wood LD, Xing D, Hruban RH, Wu J, Allen PJ, Schmidt CM, Choti MA, Velculescu VE, Kinzler KW, Vogelstein B, Papadopoulos N, Diaz LA Jr.

  The development of noninvasive methods to detect and monitor tumors continues to be a major challenge in oncology. We used digital polymerase chain reaction-based technologies to evaluate the ability of circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) to detect tumors in 640 patients with various cancer types. We found that ctDNA was detectable in >75% of patients with advanced pancreatic, ovarian, colorectal, bladder, gastroesophageal, breast, melanoma, hepatocellular, and head and neck cancers, but in less than 50% of primary brain, renal, prostate, or thyroid cancers. In patients with localized tumors, ctDNA was detected in 73, 57, 48, and 50% of patients with colorectal cancer, gastroesophageal cancer, pancreatic cancer, and breast adenocarcinoma, respectively. ctDNA was often present in patients without detectable circulating tumor cells, suggesting that these two biomarkers are distinct entities. In a separate panel of 206 patients with metastatic colorectal cancers, we showed that the sensitivity of ctDNA for detection of clinically relevant KRAS gene mutations was 87.2% and its specificity was 99.2%. Finally, we assessed whether ctDNA could provide clues into the mechanisms underlying resistance to epidermal growth factor receptor blockade in 24 patients who objectively responded to therapy but subsequently relapsed. Twenty-three (96%) of these patients developed one or more mutations in genes involved in the mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway. Together, these data suggest that ctDNA is a broadly applicable, sensitive, and specific biomarker that can be used for a variety of clinical and research purposes in patients with multiple different types of cancer.




  A microfluidic device for label-free, physical capture of circulating tumor cell clusters

  A Fatih Sarioglu, Nicola Aceto, Nikola Kojic, Maria C Donaldson, Mahnaz Zeinali, Bashar Hamza, Amanda Engstrom, Huili Zhu, Tilak K Sundaresan, David T Miyamoto, Xi Luo, Aditya Bardia, Ben S Wittner, Sridhar Ramaswamy, Toshi Shioda, David T Ting, Shannon L Stott, Ravi Kapur, Shyamala Maheswaran, Daniel A Haber &Mehmet Toner

  Cancer cells metastasize through the bloodstream either as single migratory circulating tumor cells (CTCs) or as multicellular groupings (CTC clusters). Existing technologies for CTC enrichment are designed to isolate single CTCs, and although CTC clusters are detectable in some cases, their true prevalence and significance remain to be determined. Here we developed a microchip technology (the Cluster-Chip) to capture CTC clusters independently of tumor-specific markers from unprocessed blood. CTC clusters are isolated through specialized bifurcating traps under low–shear stress conditions that preserve their integrity, and even two-cell clusters are captured efficiently. Using the Cluster-Chip, we identified CTC clusters in 30–40% of patients with metastatic breast or prostate cancer or with melanoma. RNA sequencing of CTC clusters confirmed their tumor origin and identified tissue-derived macrophages within the clusters. Efficient capture of CTC clusters will enable the detailed characterization of their biological properties and role in metastasis.




  Glypican-1 identifies cancer exosomes and detects early pancreatic cancer

  Sonia A. Melo, Linda B. Luecke, Christoph Kahlert, Agustin F. Fernandez, Seth T. Gammon, Judith Kaye, Valerie S. LeBleu, Elizabeth A. Mittendorf, Juergen Weitz, Nuh Rahbari, Christoph Reissfelder, Christian Pilarsky, Mario F. Fraga, David Piwnica-Worms &Raghu Kalluri

  Exosomes are lipid-bilayer-enclosed extracellular vesicles that contain proteins and nucleic acids. They are secreted by all cells and circulate in the blood. Specific detection and isolation of cancer-cell-derived exosomes in the circulation is currently lacking. Using mass spectrometry analyses, we identify a cell surface proteoglycan, glypican-1 (GPC1), specifically enriched on cancer-cell-derived exosomes. GPC1+ circulating exosomes (crExos) were monitored and isolated using flow cytometry from the serum of patients and mice with cancer. GPC1+ crExos were detected in the serum of patients with pancreatic cancer with absolute specificity and sensitivity, distinguishing healthy subjects and patients with a benign pancreatic disease from patients with early- and late-stage pancreatic cancer. Levels of GPC1+ crExos correlate with tumour burden and the survival of pre- and post-surgical patients. GPC1+ crExos from patients and from mice with spontaneous pancreatic tumours carry specific KRAS mutations, and reliably detect pancreatic intraepithelial lesions in mice despite negative signals by magnetic resonance imaging. GPC1+ crExos may serve as a potential non-invasive diagnostic and screening tool to detect early stages of pancreatic cancer to facilitate possible curative surgical therapy.




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