

作者:共勉 来源:金宝搏网站登录技巧 日期:2021-08-26



        Introduction:Previous studies have demonstrated the prognostic role of the immunological tumor microenvironment in malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM). Tumor-infiltrating macrophages form the major component of the leucocytes in MPM tumor microenvironment. Macrophages can be divided into two main phenotypes: type M1 macrophages have an anti-tumorigenic function and type M2 macrophages a pro-tumorigenic function promoting tumor development. The macrophage phenotypes affect the biological behavior of MPM and may provide potential therapeutic targets. Thus, we aimed to spatially profile the expression of five markers expressed by macrophages in MPM tumor tissue and assess their association with patient survival.

        方法:该研究队列由组织微阵列组成,包括来自76名芬兰MPM患者(71名上皮样和5名双相)的样本,其中包括18名存活至少60个月的患者。分析了巨噬细胞表达的标志物的位置特异性组织表达(CD68[Dako;M0876],CMAF[Abcam;ab199424],pSTAT1[Cell Signaling Technology;8826],HLA-DRA1[Abcam;ab20181]和CD163[Abcam;ab188571])使用多重荧光免疫组织化学和基于数字像素的图像分析。测量单个标志物表达和标志物组合作为与总组织,基质或肿瘤面积成比例的面积。单变量Cox回归用于评估巨噬细胞表达与死亡时间(全因死亡率)之间的关联。

        Methods:The study cohort consisted of tissue microarrays including samples from 76 Finnish MPM patients (71 epithelioid and 5 biphasic), including 18 patients who survived at least 60 months. We analyzed location-specific tissue expression of markers expressed by macrophages (CD68 [Dako; M0876], CMAF [Abcam; ab199424], pSTAT1 [Cell Signaling Technology; 8826], HLA-DRA1 [Abcam; ab20181] and CD163 [Abcam; ab188571]) using multiplexed fluorescence immunohistochemistry and digital pixel-based image analysis. Single marker expressions and marker combinations were measured as proportional areas to total tissue, stromal, or tumor area. Univariate Cox regression was used to assess the association between macrophage expression and time to death (all-cause mortality).


        Results:In univariate Cox regression analysis, type M2 pro-tumorigenic macrophages (CD163+CMAF+HLA-DRA1-) were associated with shorter survival time (HR=9.54, p=0.03), whereas type M1 anti-tumorigenic macrophages (CD68+pSTAT1+HLA-DRA1+) were associated with longer survival time (HR=0.87, p=0.03). Furthermore, the presence of pSTAT1 expressing immunogenic tumor cells (CK5+pSTAT1+CD68-CD163-HLA-DRA1-) was associated with longer survival time (HR=0.97, p<0.01).


        Conclusion:The expression of type M1 macrophages and pSTAT1 expressing tumor cells were associated with longer survival and the expression of type M2 macrophages was associated with shorter survival. These may provide new immunotherapeutic targets.




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