

作者:共勉 来源:金宝搏网站登录技巧 日期:2021-08-25

         介绍:改善日益增长早期患者库的结果需要开发辅助非手术治疗策略,这些策略传统上集中在晚期非小细胞肺癌。二甲双胍是一种广泛使用的II型188bet在线平台网址 药物,具有长期的安全性和最小的副作用,也被认为具有抗癌活性。我们之前已经证明二甲双胍在I期非小细胞肺癌中的抗癌作用取决于患者体重指数(BMI)。

        介绍:改善日益增长早期患者库的结果需要开发辅助非手术治疗策略,这些策略传统上集中在晚期非小细胞肺癌二甲双胍是一种广泛使用的II型188bet在线平台网址 药物,具有长期的安全性和最小的副作用,也被认为具有抗癌活性。我们之前已经证明二甲双胍在I期非小细胞肺癌中的抗癌作用取决于患者体重指数(BMI)。为了深入了解这些环境依赖效应的分子机制,我们试图在小鼠肺癌模型中模拟高BMI状态和二甲双胍的效应。

        Introduction:Improving outcomes for the growing early-stage patient pool requires developing adjuvant non-surgical therapeutic strategies, which have been traditionally focused on late-stage NSCLC. Metformin, a widely used type II diabetes drug with a long history of safety and minimal side effects, is also known to show anti-cancer activity. We have previously demonstrated that the anti-cancer effects metformin in stage I NSCLC is dependent on patient Body mass index (BMI). To gain insight into the molecular mechanism responsible for these context-dependent effects, we sought to model the effects of high-BMI status and metformin in a mouse model of lung cancer.


        Methods:Diet-induced obesity (DIO) was established by feeding C57BL/6 mice a high-fat diet for 16 weeks. Age/sex-matched control mice were fed a normal diet. Cohorts from obese and non-obese groups were injected subcutaneously with Lewis lung carcinoma (LLC) cells and subsequently monitored until established tumors were noted (~day 11). Tumor-bearing mice were then injected intraperitoneally every two days with metformin (50 mg/kg), and tumor growth was serially measured. Flow cytometry was used to measure tumor immune microenvironment and RNA-seq was used to measure gene expression of tumors in comparison populations.



        Results:Figure 1 summarizes our results. Obese mice given no metformin supported robust tumor growth. However, tumor growth was suppressed in metformin-treated obese mice. In contrast, and in agreement with lung patient survival data, metformin treatment of non-obese mice did not affect tumor progression. Immune checkpoint molecules were divergently affected by metformin in obese and non-obese mice. Particularly notable were the reductions seen in the levels of PD-1 and CTLA-4 on tumor-associated regulatory (Treg) T cells in metformin-treated obese mice. The frequencies of PD-1-expressing CD8+ T cells among tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes were also reduced by metformin in obese mice compared to non-obese controls. Transcriptome analysis of gene expression in the tumors of these mice also revealed obesity-dependent effects of metformin on genes encoding factors relevant to the regulation of leukocyte memory/effector differentiation as well as genes with known roles in metabolic and biosynthetic pathways.


        Conclusion:Pro-survival and anti-tumor effects of metformin observed in high-BMI patients are operative across species and can therefore be explored mechanistically in widely used mouse models. Our results suggest that the immune-modifying effects of metformin seen in high-BMI lung cancer patients and obese mice alike may stem from unique metabolic conditions that afford optimal reshaping of the anti-tumor immune response.




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