生物学家Pratima Patil博士表示,成年癌症患者血清中包含高水平的sE-cad,而文章研究发现,肿瘤细胞可以修饰正常的表皮细胞,从而感染细胞骨架的建立,随后肿瘤细胞会产生sE-cad,而sE-cad可以促进肿瘤的进展。
近日,一项刊登于国际杂志Journal of Cell Science的研究论文中,来自特拉华大学等处的科学家们通过研究表示,癌细胞实际上可以促进附近的正常细胞变得具有癌性;文章中研究人员利用一种三维共培养系统来让正常细胞和癌细胞进行共生长,从而模拟机体内部的情况,研究者发现,癌细胞可以产生一种蛋白酶,该蛋白酶可以拆分一种来自正常细胞中的名为E-钙黏蛋白(E-cadherin)的细胞吸附分子,而蛋白酶的这种作用就消除了保护正常细胞外部环境的E-钙黏蛋白片段,这种可溶性E-钙黏蛋白(sE-cad)的特殊片段和正常细胞中的表皮生长因子受体信号分子世界相关,从而就会将正常细胞转化成为癌变细胞。
生物学家Pratima Patil博士表示,成年癌症患者血清中包含高水平的sE-cad,而文章研究发现,肿瘤细胞可以修饰正常的表皮细胞,从而感染细胞骨架的建立,随后肿瘤细胞会产生sE-cad,而sE-cad可以促进肿瘤的进展。这项研究首次阐明了癌细胞可以连续诱导附近正常细胞的早期和晚期阶段的癌症进展,研究者形象地将癌细胞比喻为细菌和病毒一样,具有一定的感染性可以感染正常细胞并且促进癌症进展。
Carcinoma cells induce lumen filling and EMT in epithelial cells by soluble E-cadherin-mediated activation of EGFR.
Patil PU1, D'Ambrosio J2, Inge LJ3, Mason RW2, Rajasekaran AK4.
In epithelial cancers, carcinoma cells coexist with normal cells. While it is known that the tumor microenvironment (TME) plays a pivotal role in cancer progression it is not completely understood how the tumor influences adjacent normal epithelial cells. In this study, a 3D co-culture system comprising of non-transformed epithelial cells (MDCK) and transformed carcinoma cells (MSV-MDCK) was used to demonstrate that carcinoma cells sequentially induced preneoplastic lumen filling and EMT in epithelial cysts. MMP-9 secreted by carcinoma cells cleaves cellular E-cadherin from epithelial cells to generate soluble E-cadherin (sE-cad), a pro-oncogenic protein. We show that sE-cad induces EGFR activation resulting in lumen filling in MDCK cysts. Long-term sE-cad treatment induced EMT. sE-cad caused lumen filling by induction of the ERK signaling pathway, whereas EMT by the sustained activation of AKT pathway. While it is known that sE-cad induces MMP-9 release and consequent EGFR activation in tumor cells, our results for the first time demonstrate that carcinoma cells can induce sE-cad shedding in adjacent epithelial cells which leads to EGFR activation and the eventual transdifferentiation of the normal epithelial cells.
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